Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh, Come On!

Ah! You peope need to, you know, sometimes read this blog, and not nownextme, you know!!??? I mean I know, I know, my other blog is way cooler, but come on! I need more veiwers on this thing!!!! I wish to become a famous author, and you people just reply to my other blog! AHHH! Well. None of you (don't know who I'm talking to) commented on my other post! I really think it's a great idea! don't you???? All you have to do is comment, finish the story, PLEASE??? 

Monday, December 1, 2008


I have an idea! I'm going to write a story, and then, I'm gonna let other viewers finish IT! Okay here's the story.

Once upon a time, a girl and her father moved into a house. This girls name was Cathorine. She had heard rumors of the house being haunted, but didn't feel like beleiving at this point. When she had gotten all her stuff packed up, she rushed to the front door, eager to get out of the old dusty house she used to live in. When she reached the house, she was amazed at how beautiful it was. The windows were twice her size, and the door was huge, and, and, there was a balcony! "WOW!" She said, racing to  the front door. Her father pulled out the key from his pocket, and opened the door. "Papa! This, this is amazing!" She said, marveling at the details. Her father pointed to the stairs, to the door, which led to the room with the balcony. "Really, I can have the room!" Caroline kissed her father, and raced to her new room. She let her suitcase fall infront of her door, and lept into the room. She forced open the locked doors to the balcony, and breathed in the freas air. "This is the life!"She exclaimed. Then, that night, as she lay in her king sized bed...she heard footsteps outside her door. "Daddy, Papa, anyone?" She whispered into teh air. Nothing happened. She pulled the cover over her head, and tried to forget it. But, she couldn't, for she heard the door open to her room. "eeeep!" she whispered. All she could here was the breathing of something by her ear. Then, a hand on her back. She lifted the covers. "AHHH!" She said, hoping to scare it away, but nothing was there. The next night, something worse happened. 

Welp, thats that, want to help, help write what happens to Caroline in the comments. I will choose one of the ideas that I think is best, and remember, you can't end it with a "it was nothing, she lived happily ever after, the end" You have to make it good and creepy. So, BYE! 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New New New!

A Never Ending Nightmare
Julie had just gotten done packing her stuff. She was about to move from Washingtgon, to Atlanta GA. She didn't want to move away from her friends, but her father gave her no choice. She had to go. 
"Julie, are you done? We need to go!," her father yelled. "Dad! Hold On! I'm not done!," She was shuffling through her wordrobe, looking for her best clothes. The rest was to be thrown away. "Ugh!" She said. Julie reached the bottom of the pile of clothes, onl to find one shirt that looked pleasing. "O-M-G!" She shook her head, while looking at the pitifull black blob of clothes. She quickly shoved the shirt into her suitcase, and placed it in the corner. She didn't really want to throw away her black clothes, but her father (like always) made her. 
She took the clothes and dumped them into a big trashcan, out in the back yard. "This sucks!" She sighed. How was she supposed to dress, if she didn't have the clothes she wanted? Julie raced to the front door, and held out the one thing she wanted to keep that was black. "No, I told you, you need a new look," He explained,"This just won't do!" He picked the vintage black skirt from my hands, and through it to the ground. "Why not?" She asked, about to put the puppy dog eyes on him. "You know why!" He shook his head, and placed the skirt in a bag. "We'll give this to a poor girl, who may need it more than you," 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More of last story!!

“Wait, so, I’m a werewolf?” I said, still being crushed. “Oh, sorry, anyway, yes you are a werewolf. Isn’t it exciting?” She asked with here big blue eyes. “Uh, yeah, If exiciting you mean going through a world of pain just to rampage through town, and kill people, and...” She cut me off. “Shhh, the police are after me...” She whispered. The police were in the next room down shouting and yelling for the “beast” to come out. Well, I could see in Beth’s eyes, that they were about to get their beast.
As Beth morphed, I hesitated for a breif moment. The thing was, I didn’t like morphing, and I thought that you could only morph if the full moon was showing all the way. Then, a question popped into my head. “Beth, tell me, how long have you been a wolf?” I asked, hoping she could talk. She thumped the ground ten times. I didn’t quite understand. Could it be ten days, ten months, ten weeks, or ten years. She saw the confusion in my expression, and formed back into my friend. “I’ve been a werewolf for ten months.” She sighed as if she were angry. I rolled my eyes, then shrugged.
All the anger, and agony came back ,and I now found myself a werewolf again. I noticed the cuts and bruises on Beth, and decided to exiamine myself as well. I was not sctratched, nor bruised, and it made me wonder. As I pondered, Beth reached for my arm. She made a humpf noise as in to say come on. I whined and went along. As we started down the hallway, I sensed a scent. It consisted of Axe Body Wash. I figured it was the police. We approached the police in a slow and agonizing walk. Then their footsteps got louder, and we could hear their voices clearly now. It was time to start the party.
As we walked, one of the police came out from the room they were in, and pointed at us. “Hey, guys, I found it, wait, theres two of them!” He screamed to the others. They ran with fully loaded guns, and a mind set on only one thing. Killing us.

Monday, September 1, 2008


A Different Me
When I was seven, I didn’t beleive in things like werewolves. I’m 13 now, and I have second thoughts. 
While sitting in my room I looked at the wall thinking of how my day was going to be. I was in a new home, with my mother and father. I wasn’t very used to the new weather of florida, I was always used to the cold. The reason we moved was because my dad got a higher paying job, so we sold the house, and moved down by the beach. 
Sure it was nice to have a backyard as a beach, but Minasota was my home state. As I pondered on, I heard my mom call me, “Elizabeth Spikes, get down here!” It wasn’t a happy call. I ran down stairs and looked at my mom’s frusturated face. She was pointing at a mess, that was on the coffe table. I looked down at the broken glass, and shook my head. “Mom, I don’t know if you remember that we have a dog now, and dogs break things...” I said as sarcasticly as possible. My mom folded her arms, and walked into the kitchen.
I didn’t want to upset her anymore, so I cleaned up the mess for her. When my mom settled down, she took the dog outside to ‘teach it a leasen’. While I lay on the couch, I heard a scratch on the door. When I opened it, nothing was there. I’m not a very supersticious girl, but when stuff like that happenes, I over react. I ran to my mother with a lot of worry in my eyes. She looked at me with convincing eyes. It was the look of comfort, but I didn’t care. “Mom, mom, there was a scratch on the door, and, then, nothing, and...” I said with a gasp between words. My mom looked down at me, and gave me a tired look. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she wasn’t worried.
I ran inside and pointed to the door. She shook her head, and took my arm. “Honey, please, I don’t have time for this. Show me what happened, and then go to your room.” She said while toeing me to the front yard. I told her what happened, but she rolled her eyes after I said it all. 
I leaned against the side of my house and waited for the scratch again. Nothing happened. i soon fell asleep, and woke at night time. I remembered my mom telling me to stay out as long s I wanted. I figured she wanted some alone time. then, out of nowhere, I heard a noise. It was a thumping sound, and then a howl. I looked into the sky and shivered. I thought I was imagining it, but it was too real. There, in the corner of my eye, was a dark large figure. It lunged toward me, and pushed me to the ground. i wanted to scream, but the beast was crushing my lungs, and preventing m from saying even one word.
I tryed shifting my wait, but the creature was to heavy. I felt it’s huge clawing digging into my skin. I also felt the blood ossing from my body to the ground. When the thing left, I was already knocked out. When I awakened, there was a bite mark on my arm. I was covered in brownish blood, soI decided to go to the hose in the backyard, and rinse off. When I came inside, my parents were out on the deck, talking. I tiptoed into my room, and changed clothes. Maybe they forgot about how long I stayed outside. When I came down stairs, they were staring at me. 
“You, young lady, are grounded,” My dad said. I Decided to turn around and go upstairs, but my mom grabbed me before I could. “Honey, what happened to you?” She asked, while pointing at my bite mark. I took my arm away from her, and ran up the stairs. I don’t know why, but I felt angry, and furious. I slmmed my door, and locked it. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, hoping the anger would go away if I stayed away from people. But I was wrong, I felt like hitting something. So I got to my pillow, and hit it. “Ah,” I said, as I hit it twice. W hat was happening to me, was I becomeing a different me? 
When night came, I lay in my bed. All of a sudden, I felt a burning itch in my arm, and i noticed it was the bite mark. I felt more anger, and bit my other arm. I started to feel the anger grow, and my body. The bite burned more, and I screeched in pain. My teeth grew larger, and I felt my nose, turn into a snout. I felt all my black hair grow all around me. And I noticed, right then, that I was transeforming.
I winced as the pain in my body grew larger. I felt like I wanted to kill my self, than suffer through this pain. Then, my vision turned black and white, and I lost control. I looked at myself in the mirror, and then through a chair at it. The glass shattered, as I jumped out o my window. I looked into the sky, and saw the moon, it was full. I rampaged out of my neighbor hood, nocking down telephone polls, and cars, on my way. I heard a police car, and turned around. Somebody had called 911. I ran through the woods, hoping I would loose them, but they never lost track of me. When I stopped behind a bush, I heard the barking of guard dogs. One came to me and barked loudly, I picke it up, and through it against a tree. 
I ran as fast as possible through the thick woods, and reached a clearing. I felt the anger loosen, and felt my body change. I quickley ran into a resturaunt, and made my way to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall, as I finished changing. 
I saw the door of the bathroom open, and the police came in. They were all boys, and were all very short. I came out of the stall, and acted like I had just got done going to the bathroom. “Young lady,” they said, “Do you know where this creature that has been running around town went?” I nodded and pointed to the window (it was open). They took their guns and looked outside. Then they got pulled in by some hairy beast, and was taken through the window. 
When I heard the screaming stop, I saw it’s hand come to the window. I was parilized with fear, so I coudn’t run away. When it’s head popped up, I ran through the open door, and into the kitchen of the resturaunt. I hid behind the counter in the dark room, and waited for it to find me. I felt the fear and adrinalin running through me when the door slammed open. 
The beating of my heart raced, and I felt anger burst through my body. My bitte mark burned again, and I grew. I was the same hight as the other beast, and knew that we were evenly matched. I braced myself for the beat to attack, but it just stood there, looking at me. I growled, and sent it a message to begin the fight, and then it started to whine. 
I frowned as it backed away into the corner, and then changed into a human. I looked into the night sky, and saw that the moon was going down. I felt the anger loosen, and I was returning to normal. I looked at the little girl in the corner, and reconized the face. “Beth! It’s you!” I said, runing to hug her. She got up and ran, too. Bethwas my BFF from 2nd grade, to now, so I was very pleased. 
“Lizzy! I can’t beleive that your a werewolf too!” She said, while still hugging me.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

When the Pizza Attacked

I was in my room, hoping for dinner to come, because i was starving! I didn't want tobe a burden, but I just had to ask my mother if the pizza was done, so I went down stairs, and asked. My mother was mad, but nodded her head for me to look and see. the pizza was brown and had it's cheese bubbling on top of it. I licked my lps, and got the pizza out. It smelled so good, and I just wanted to put t into my mouth! But I had to wait for my mother to cut it.
I handed my mom the cutter, and placed t in her hand. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. she wanted me to cut it. I grabbed the cutter and went to the pipping hot pizza. I frowned as I cut it the wrong way, but it was still food. so, when I was done, I looked at te chopped pizza, and gasped. "Oh, Oh GOD!" I said as I stepped a step back. The pizza had eyes, and was bleeding after I had cut it. It sprouted little legs, and ran toward me. I screamed, and leaped to the couch.
The pizza grabbed my leg, and dragged me into the backyard. I was putting my fingers into the ground, but it was way too strong. I took me into the ivy, and punched me on the face. I felt the blood oose down my lip, as he took another wing. I leaped to my feet, but as I was about to run, he tripped me. "Oh, little girl, now, It is your turn to face a pizza's death. I closed my eyes, hoping it was a dream, But he opened them, and took a pizza cutter frm his back. He lifted it up, and slashed it too my am. "NOOOO!" I screamed. Then, everything went black.
This story, this event, shows how we abuse pizza's in our own horible ways. Please, respect this, and don'tmae fun, of pizza's...........

Monday, June 30, 2008

Ghost story

On a very stormy night, a little girl woke up to a drip drop noise. She didn't want to go looking for it in the middle of the night, but the noise just made her more frusturated. So, finally, she left the bed. But before she got up, she needed to check if her dog was under the bed, so she put her hand under it, and her dog licked it. The girl search half of the house, but didn't find a thing, so she went back to bed.
So, the girl heard the noise again, and then checked if her dog was under the bed, and it licked her, so she checked the other half of the house, but still could not find the noise. So she went back to bed, and waited for it to stop.
Then, after 20 minutes, the girl finally decided to check in the place where she never wanted to go, the basement. The girl tptoed down the stairs into the opened door of the basement. She checked the whole room, and then the bathroom. And she phainted at the sight. Her own dog hung off the shower by it's neck and the blood dripping from it's mouth. Before she phainted she had read a note from the dogs tail, it said... Your family is next...
Now, the question is, what the heck was licking her under the bed, if her dog was the one making the noise? Da, Da, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

THE END!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

First Story

I'm going to start off with a small girl. This girl is named Cyara. SHe is in second grade. On a hot day in New York, Cyara was going to her first day of school. On the way to the bus stop, she noticed a boy standing alone by a bench. She walked over to the boy to give him some company.
When Cyara saw that te boy would not talk, she decided to leave him alone. When she finally made it to school, she found out that the boy was in her class. Now she just had to talk to him. After Cyara said hi to the boy the second time, he said hi back, and told her his name. His name was Ben. Cyara became riands with Ben and they stayed friends for five years. Then, one day, she discovered that Ben moved. He didn't go to the same school for two more years after she found out. "He didn't even say goodbye," Cyara thought aloud in her room.
The next couple of years didn't help either. She was diegnosed with depresion, and never did anything fun. When she reached 11th grade, she saw a familiar face in the lunch room. It was Ben! She ran up to him and started talking about how much she missed him, and how much stuff she had to go through without him. Ben looked very confused. Cyara thought he was just joking when he asked if he knew her, but he had acualy forgotton. Cyara told him nay things about how they played together for five years, but he still wouldn't remember.
The next day she showed a picture to him, it was them at her birthday party, and he finally remembered. Ben gave her a kiss on the cheek, and forgave her many times before hugging her. They then took their relationship to the next level, and became girlfriend and boyfriend. For the next six years!