Monday, June 30, 2008

Ghost story

On a very stormy night, a little girl woke up to a drip drop noise. She didn't want to go looking for it in the middle of the night, but the noise just made her more frusturated. So, finally, she left the bed. But before she got up, she needed to check if her dog was under the bed, so she put her hand under it, and her dog licked it. The girl search half of the house, but didn't find a thing, so she went back to bed.
So, the girl heard the noise again, and then checked if her dog was under the bed, and it licked her, so she checked the other half of the house, but still could not find the noise. So she went back to bed, and waited for it to stop.
Then, after 20 minutes, the girl finally decided to check in the place where she never wanted to go, the basement. The girl tptoed down the stairs into the opened door of the basement. She checked the whole room, and then the bathroom. And she phainted at the sight. Her own dog hung off the shower by it's neck and the blood dripping from it's mouth. Before she phainted she had read a note from the dogs tail, it said... Your family is next...
Now, the question is, what the heck was licking her under the bed, if her dog was the one making the noise? Da, Da, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

THE END!!!!!!!!!

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