Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More of last story!!

“Wait, so, I’m a werewolf?” I said, still being crushed. “Oh, sorry, anyway, yes you are a werewolf. Isn’t it exciting?” She asked with here big blue eyes. “Uh, yeah, If exiciting you mean going through a world of pain just to rampage through town, and kill people, and...” She cut me off. “Shhh, the police are after me...” She whispered. The police were in the next room down shouting and yelling for the “beast” to come out. Well, I could see in Beth’s eyes, that they were about to get their beast.
As Beth morphed, I hesitated for a breif moment. The thing was, I didn’t like morphing, and I thought that you could only morph if the full moon was showing all the way. Then, a question popped into my head. “Beth, tell me, how long have you been a wolf?” I asked, hoping she could talk. She thumped the ground ten times. I didn’t quite understand. Could it be ten days, ten months, ten weeks, or ten years. She saw the confusion in my expression, and formed back into my friend. “I’ve been a werewolf for ten months.” She sighed as if she were angry. I rolled my eyes, then shrugged.
All the anger, and agony came back ,and I now found myself a werewolf again. I noticed the cuts and bruises on Beth, and decided to exiamine myself as well. I was not sctratched, nor bruised, and it made me wonder. As I pondered, Beth reached for my arm. She made a humpf noise as in to say come on. I whined and went along. As we started down the hallway, I sensed a scent. It consisted of Axe Body Wash. I figured it was the police. We approached the police in a slow and agonizing walk. Then their footsteps got louder, and we could hear their voices clearly now. It was time to start the party.
As we walked, one of the police came out from the room they were in, and pointed at us. “Hey, guys, I found it, wait, theres two of them!” He screamed to the others. They ran with fully loaded guns, and a mind set on only one thing. Killing us.

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