Friday, January 1, 2010


Wow, just wow... I keep on asking you people to write a comment... These STORIES are something I really love doing, and I need an opinion to help me with my up coming career. These STORIES, are basically my hobbie. I really need you guys to comment. Oh, and if anyone steels any of these book ideas, without mentioning me and that I wrote them, you will be put to court.

As I lay motionless on the ground, I noticed a small light flicker in the sky. "Look, they're here!" I pointed to the sky. "Really?" One of my best friends asked as she looked i the direction. WE both stared at the small, yet fascinating light, as it moved swiftly across the sky. We were in the Eagle Watch park, and surprised that no one else ha noticed the light. I already knew what it was, and what it was doing. They were my "alien stalkers". Thats what I used to call them.
When we noticed that people were staring at us, and most likely wondering why we were lying on the ground and pointing to the sky, we decided to head on back to her house. "So, Shermaine, now do you believe me when I say I have alien stalkers?" She looked at me and nodded, "Oh yea, I will never doubt you again" We started to race to her house, but we stopped, dead in out tracks, when a huge ball of light zoomed past us. "Woah!" I said, almost falling backwards.
We looked ahead to notice that the shining ball of energy had left us in the dust. "I think that was them!" Shermaine exclaimed. "Naw duh," I said, lightly slapping her shoulder. We tried to follow the ship, but it was way too fast.

Ah, I'm bored. Remember to comment and try to tell people about it, because this is a big deal to me. AND REMEMBER, THESE ARE JUST STORIES!