Friday, January 30, 2009

: (

I am mad. I am sad. You all are idiots (sorry). You all make me mad. I wish you'd PLEASE comment on this blog. If no one looks at it, then no one can tell other people about it. Why is it that no one will comment? Are my stories... boring??? Please, just comment, read them, please! i'm asking nicely! PLEASE!? It's one simple request, just comment. now, i'm gonna write a short story idea, and someone must comment, PLEASE!!!

Once, on a hot day, I was walking along the shore line of a beach. My mother had told me that I shouldn't go very far, but I didn't really care. I just kept on going. Then, as I dipped my feet in the salty, warm water, I noticed a shape in the water. It looked as though it was a fish, but as it got closer, it got bigger. I saw it's shape, and gasped as it lunged out of the water. The strange creature swiped at my face, but I couldn't run! I screamed, but I was too far away for anyone to hear me. I started to regret not listening to my mother. The thing showed it's sharp teeth, and swiped at me once again, and to my surprise, nothing happened. I didn't know how, but the creature had missed, and was now swimming away. "What, was, that?" I said, taking deep breathes between every word.