Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh, Come On!

Ah! You peope need to, you know, sometimes read this blog, and not nownextme, you know!!??? I mean I know, I know, my other blog is way cooler, but come on! I need more veiwers on this thing!!!! I wish to become a famous author, and you people just reply to my other blog! AHHH! Well. None of you (don't know who I'm talking to) commented on my other post! I really think it's a great idea! don't you???? All you have to do is comment, finish the story, PLEASE??? 

Monday, December 1, 2008


I have an idea! I'm going to write a story, and then, I'm gonna let other viewers finish IT! Okay here's the story.

Once upon a time, a girl and her father moved into a house. This girls name was Cathorine. She had heard rumors of the house being haunted, but didn't feel like beleiving at this point. When she had gotten all her stuff packed up, she rushed to the front door, eager to get out of the old dusty house she used to live in. When she reached the house, she was amazed at how beautiful it was. The windows were twice her size, and the door was huge, and, and, there was a balcony! "WOW!" She said, racing to  the front door. Her father pulled out the key from his pocket, and opened the door. "Papa! This, this is amazing!" She said, marveling at the details. Her father pointed to the stairs, to the door, which led to the room with the balcony. "Really, I can have the room!" Caroline kissed her father, and raced to her new room. She let her suitcase fall infront of her door, and lept into the room. She forced open the locked doors to the balcony, and breathed in the freas air. "This is the life!"She exclaimed. Then, that night, as she lay in her king sized bed...she heard footsteps outside her door. "Daddy, Papa, anyone?" She whispered into teh air. Nothing happened. She pulled the cover over her head, and tried to forget it. But, she couldn't, for she heard the door open to her room. "eeeep!" she whispered. All she could here was the breathing of something by her ear. Then, a hand on her back. She lifted the covers. "AHHH!" She said, hoping to scare it away, but nothing was there. The next night, something worse happened. 

Welp, thats that, want to help, help write what happens to Caroline in the comments. I will choose one of the ideas that I think is best, and remember, you can't end it with a "it was nothing, she lived happily ever after, the end" You have to make it good and creepy. So, BYE!