Saturday, October 18, 2008

New New New!

A Never Ending Nightmare
Julie had just gotten done packing her stuff. She was about to move from Washingtgon, to Atlanta GA. She didn't want to move away from her friends, but her father gave her no choice. She had to go. 
"Julie, are you done? We need to go!," her father yelled. "Dad! Hold On! I'm not done!," She was shuffling through her wordrobe, looking for her best clothes. The rest was to be thrown away. "Ugh!" She said. Julie reached the bottom of the pile of clothes, onl to find one shirt that looked pleasing. "O-M-G!" She shook her head, while looking at the pitifull black blob of clothes. She quickly shoved the shirt into her suitcase, and placed it in the corner. She didn't really want to throw away her black clothes, but her father (like always) made her. 
She took the clothes and dumped them into a big trashcan, out in the back yard. "This sucks!" She sighed. How was she supposed to dress, if she didn't have the clothes she wanted? Julie raced to the front door, and held out the one thing she wanted to keep that was black. "No, I told you, you need a new look," He explained,"This just won't do!" He picked the vintage black skirt from my hands, and through it to the ground. "Why not?" She asked, about to put the puppy dog eyes on him. "You know why!" He shook his head, and placed the skirt in a bag. "We'll give this to a poor girl, who may need it more than you,"